All forms of plagiarism is considered to be serious academic misconduct. Self-plagiarism – where you resubmit work previously marked – is also a form of plagiarism. Remember also that collusion – cooperating with other people during the exam - is a form of plagiarism.

Your exam will be submitted through Turnitin, therefore all normal procedures regarding plagiarism must be observed. Above all else, keep going! With so many questions delay can cost you time, so stay focused and keep moving forward!.However, if negative making is in place (you lose points for wrong answers) and you have absolutely no idea about the answer, it is better to not answer the question.If there is no negative marking (losing points for wrong answers), it is better to guess an answer than to not answer a question.Look for grammatical and other language clues.Watch for qualifiers that may catch you out (“always”, “never”).Use reasoning to eliminate wrong answers increasing your chance of selecting the right answer.Consider each of the choices as true or false statements.Rephrase the question, making sure to keep the core question valid.If you don’t see your answer, try the following:.If you see the expected response, mark the answer and then double-check that none of the other answers provided fits better

If possible, cover the answers given while reading the question and come up with your answer before you uncover the possible answers.You can mark any question you want to recheck in Canvas, so first try to answer all questions before you go back over the questions you are unsure about Be aware of double negative and other grammatical structures! Read the entire question carefully, don’t just glance at the question and select the most logical answer.Be precise: Most marks are lost in MCQ exams through the misreading of questions.Make sure that you understand whether only one answer is the correct answer, or if several answers can be correct! Know the rules: Read your instructions carefully.Centre for Continuing Professional Development.