You can also tune the mod to how much you’d like your Sims to pay. Now, both electives and main classes are more expensive, which is more realistic. Zero’s Sims 4 Mods created the ‘ University Costs More’ mod which changes the costing structure of electives and main classes. I’ve explained briefly what the mods are, but to get a full overview, please head to the creators’ pages, everything is linked below. This post could have gone on forever, but I’ve picked my top 10 mods. I honestly couldn’t believe how many amazing university themed mods are already available! A big thank you to our wonderful community of modders. This started my search for a handful of mods to make the expansion pack more exciting. However, I think there are a few things missing from the pack.

Now, I’m not saying that The Sims 4: Discover University is awful, I actually like it a lot. Hello Simmers, Honnahoops here with my top 10 mods to enhance your university experience!